Sunday, April 01, 2007

Second Book Club Question from Baby Blues!

If you were Clarissa, would you go back to the father of your child, the man you married, even if you married him under false pretenses?


Serenity said...

Hey Robin - thanks for stopping by my blog - (sorry to hijack this post too)!

Please shoot me an email at serenitynowinfertile at gmail dot com when you can? I want to chat with you offline - I have the sense that you have a lot to offer related to today's post. Would love to hear your opinion if you want to share... especially since you are adopted and are working on adopting again...

Baby Blues said...

My answer would be NO. It just started out wrong.

If he sticks around, show how sincerely sorry he is and tries to win my love again, maybe. But just maybe.

Amanda said...

Well, if I were Clarissa, then yes, i would because she did after all set out to marry him because she wanted to get married and he was rich.

But if I were me, I'd say no - too big a betrayal for sure.

Runergirl said...

I think it is a personal choice, and I really thought that the author made the effort to show that they did "like" each other through out everything.