Monday, August 13, 2007

Why? You ask me. Why Not?

Okay, I’m sorry that it has taken me so long to update! I have been preparing for school which actually started today. This was my first time ever teaching 5th grade and I love it! It was nice being able to give directions and have them followed the first time, well most of the time :) Anyway, it was fun and the day flew by! I am excited to get into the “real” material; I have so many fun things planned. Also, I have a smart board in my classroom. Here is a link if you want to check out what it is:

Okay, back to the why I want to adopt a girl between the ages of 5-10. I feel the real question is why not? I honestly feel so lucky to have been adopted at all. Why shouldn’t these children be looked at for adoption, because they are too old; they are spoiled goods? Yes, I know what all of you are going to tell me, they could have been abused, they might set my house on fire, they will be bad in school, they might throw fits, they might take awhile to adjust to my rules. And you know what I have to say to all of that; my OWN biological child could do all of those things!!!!! That is the reality people. Not to mention that I am well qualified to deal with a child of these ages and all of their “baggage.” I will spare you my list of credentials; actually I won’t…..I have my undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education, I am finishing my master’s in elementary education, I worked in head start for 6 years, I taught a parenting class to my head start parents, I have completed love and logic training and a millions other trainings dealing with at risk kids, I worked in Cabrini Green in Chicago and with a large base of monolingual parents and students in Colorado, I have an amazing support system, I am an adopted child myself, and last, but definitely not least, I WANT TO! So please don’t tell me your horror stories, not because I don’t want to hear it, but I don’t want you to judge a child before you ever meet them. Every child is different. I can’t believe that there are no children out there in the age range I would like who would not LOVE to be a part of a family. I am not kidding myself, I know that there will be a adjustment period, a grief period, and many other issues that will need to addressed; but remember I live it, I am that adopted child. I don’t know my biological family, I grieve for the relationships I don’t have; I understand, at least a little.

As for why we are looking at girls, we don’t want to change the birth order too much. I would like William to continue to be the oldest boy in the family. Also, he is already gaining a step sister once his dad gets married next year….but that is so not the point….anyway….there it is, agree or disagree, it’s your prerogative, just know where I am coming from.


candy said...

i think you are amazing. and yes, any child could do any of those things you mentioned. my in-laws are foster parents and have had some really wonderful children that age come through their home. there's always the risk, but it shouldn't stop you from listening to your heart! ours girls a true blessing and every child deserves a loving family.

Julie said...

That is great! I agree- they all need parents- I have an open age range of 0-12. I just ended up with an 8 week old who is now 1! I may adopt an older one later. :)

JUST A MOM said...

Not to mention that I am well qualified to deal with a child of these ages and all of their “baggage

THAT MY DEAR IS YOUR KEY!!! My horor story had none of this... I went into taking our then 14 month old thinking that huggs and kisses would fix the world. You got me right in the face with your WHY NOT I got it..... you go for it and I will be the first who will cheer you on. with what you have I know it could work. You have WAY more then I did..... Maybe just maybe an older child HAS HAD some input and help already,,, never thought of that one either... OK I AM SORRY YOU ARE RIGHT TO STAND ON YOUR SOAP BOX!!!!!!!

GLouise said...

No objections here!!

And if you worked at Cabrini Green, I think you could take on anything! LOL. :-)

Tamara said...

Amen! And FWIW, my adopted Cookie - whom we got at 2 days old - throws food, runs away from me when I attempt to punish her, throws Oscar-worthy tantrums, and is high-maintenance. And did I mention FABULOUS and worth every bit of the negative? :) Yeah, if she were my biological child, she'd probably be a holy terror - as it is, she's actually very sweet 99% of the time.

Before we got Cookie's sister, we had been talking about older child adoption in a couple of years - it just makes more sense, especially given our "old" age of 36! :)

Amanda said...

Sounds like you're ready to me. Good luck and I can't wait to follow your story!

Sorry if you felt like anyone was doubting you - I never was :-)