Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

All of your posts mean so much to me. I always carve out time in my day to read them and post messages. I also always promise to post more and I never seem to find the time or inspiration. I am going to start with Wordless Wednesdays and Things I love Thursdays. Maybe I need to set a day when I post an update, like Update Friday or something?!? We'll see.
As promised:


JUST A MOM said...

OH MY GOODNESS HOW SWEET!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing,,,,,,

Dena said...

Thanks so much for your kind words! Connecting online is taking some getting used to, but it is helping hearing kind words from others! I wish you nothing but the best with your adoption story, and every happy ending gives me more hope!

Kellie with an "ie" said...

Cute cutie Cute!

Liz said...

what cuties you have!