Monday, December 15, 2008

Where have I been?

Let’s start with an update on the kids:
William turned 6 years old. He is such a fun child and I love spending time with him. He is very concerned about animals and their well being. We got him a dog for his birthday and he takes care of it 100%. William spent the week before and the week of Thanksgiving with his dad. Every time her returns from a visit we have to start all over again with appropriate behavior. I know it is a lot for him to deal with and I will try to make his transition as easy as possible. Unfortunately, his behavior has trickled over to school and he has been getting in a little trouble. Not a lot, but it is not him. I will be going to his school this week on Tuesday and Thursday.
Little Bit is 14 months and taking steps. He doesn’t walk out right, but that is his choice. He can crawl faster than walk so he chooses to do so. I am not walking with him or pushing him to walk, it will happen when it happens. LB loves to eat! In fact, it is so much fun to watch him feed himself since he makes moaning sounds when he enjoys the food.J LB is also very attached to the people he knows and loves. Case in point, he screamed when he saw Santa! We went to court for LB Nov. 25th. Not much was done except we have another date set for May 12th. The case worker needs to get LB’s dad’s and mom’s signatures to TPR. Unfortunately, we don’t seem to be high on her priority list……just pray that she gets it done by the 12th.
Potato is 9 months old and is so sweet! She has really come into her own. She is full on crawling and getting in trouble with LB. She also loves to laugh, giggle and say dadada. P also has been clapping for the last month; it is so cuteJ Her next court date is in Feb. In fact, I need to find out exactly whenJ
As most of you know I am a running fanatic. I coach 2 XC and track teams. My high school team took third in state and my #1 runner took first in state. I have another runner who took 4th. All in all, the other 4 runners came within the top 48 in the state.
My husband and I have been very involved in trying to change the school that our son attends. Being the XC and track coaches we interact specifically with Jr. High students. Regrettably, these students have repeatedly stated for the past 3 years that the teachers were not fair and bullied them. We finally had enough and went to the administration over and over again, they did nothing. We finally had enough and sent out a bullying survey to the Jr. High parents. This caused quite the uproar. Needless to say we got everyone’s attention and after a couple of meetings with the school’s pastor, advisory board and administration things look like they are going to change. We will still need to see these changes take place before we decide to keep Liam at the school.


JUST A MOM said...

good to see an up date,,, sounds life life goes on at your house. enjoy

FosterMom said...

I haven't had the chance to read your blog in a while. Good to hear things are staying in a fairly normal state! Hope you had a great Christmas! And I guess I didn't realize you were a XC fanatic - I was a XC runner in high school and college!

JUST A MOM said...

hello are we running just a little behind????

JUST A MOM said...

busy a little?

JUST A MOM said...

I hope all is well

JUST A MOM said...


JUST A MOM said...

I THINK we need a new update