Thursday, February 15, 2007

My friend

I just talked to dream mommy for the first time ever today. Well, in the sense that I actually heard her voice. What a wonderful, compassionate, REAL person. I will be attending princess's funeral tomorrow and feel honored to do so. I just wish there was something more I could do for this person who has always gone out of her way to be helpful to me. The best thing about Dream Mommy is that she has a heart gold, and the reason she is so nice is just because that is who she is. There is no pretense with this woman. I feel lucky to call her my friend. Please continue to send your prayers and good thoughts her way.


CA Momma said...

Good thoughts on the way.

Amanda said...

glad that you could be there for her. I am not surprised to hear how nice she is :-)

Baby Blues said...

I'm glad you were there for her.

No Longer In Crisis said...

Oh Robin, in so many ways you were able to be there for all of us. I am grateful you could go to be there for her and Princess!

Runergirl said...

Just wanted to say that you are completely correct in saying that I represented all of us at the funeral, because, I really felt like I did. Dream Mommy is so graceful and compassionate. I know I will learn so much from her about how to handle situations while going through the foster-adopt process.