Wednesday, May 02, 2007


My angioedema has hit an all time low; literally….I kept waking up last night because my vajayjay was itchy, but not too bad. I initially thought that maybe it was a yeast infection since I had gone swimming earlier, but wasn’t sure since I have never had one before. It seemed to keep getting worse so I finally just got up and went to the bathroom to see what was going on, and low and behold, one side of my vajayjay was swollen to twice the size of the other side. The saddest part is that I was happy that it wasn’t my face this time. Unfortunately, this seems like it will continue for the rest of my life. I have been to an allergist and it is NOT hereditary angeioedema, it was induced by too much estrogen exposure from my first IVF. I wonder what the differences between the two are.
Anyway, this brings me to the e-mail that I am sending to my dumbass fertility doctor in Colorado who said when I called him two weeks after my first failed cycle that there was no way that any of the drugs that he had prescribed could have had influence on why my lip was swelling. He suggested I take some benadryl and relax. The e-mail will include the name of the drug, CLIMARA, as the culprit of this induced angioedema. I just thought that he should be informed about the side effects of the drug he prescribed since he doesn’t seem do the research himself. I know that I was never told about this side effect by him. I will post my e-mail to him when I am done with it.
In better news, it seems as if my house is finally coming together and might even be livable by May 11th, the day we have to move in. At this point all we need is for the major things to be inspected and turned on. Honestly, as long as I have a working toilet and shower everything else is plus.
In other house news I really hurt myself yesterday. My husband is doing all of the plumbing for the house, and as most of you know in Louisiana a lot of the houses are on pier and beams. This means that you can technically go underneath your house if you want. My husband has been accessing the underneath of our house through an old floor heart vent and had left it open, needless to say it got dark and I fell though it. Nothing is broke, just badly bruised and sore.
No news on my prospective adoptive child, nothing, no calls back, no pending information, nothing. I will keep calling; it is all I can do.


JUST A MOM said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! OK you have everything all set up right,, cause as soon as you think they will not call RING RING there they are. Hang in there!!

Lisa said...

In addition to a working toilet and shower, you MUST have a working air conditioner!! Opening windows will not help, especially in July/August!

L is gonna try calling again soon about the boy. It's just been a long week for us. It is a lot of hassle moving a kid from one foster home to another, even to be in an adoptive home, because they are not priority because they are in "safe, stable" homes. The waiting sucks. I remember how frustrating it was with Smiley.

Hang in there. Call me if you need anything.

Amanda said...

I second what dream mommy said - those kids who are in OK situations fall to the bottom of the priority list - I really hope that's what's happening here!!

Baby Blues said...

Sorry to hear about the angioedema, it sounds terrible! Hope it subsides soon.

GLouise said...

Oh you poor thing re: edema and falling through the floor! Hope you are ok now.

And hoping your AC is working for summer. It gets so hot down here in the south! :-)

take care,