Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Going for it!

So we have decided to go ahead and take the classes starting on June 30th. Now we need to find out what time it is at so that I can make arrangements with my ex since he still wants William that week; which is fine. So I keep calling to find out what time the classes start and end so I can buy a plane ticket. I think I am annoying them because I keep calling and leaving messages, but I don’t care. I hate that they feel they can give you 2 weeks notice and you are suppose to just jump at the opportunity. I don’t know about you guys but I have a life. So I will continue to call and make arrangements. The plus side of William going with his dad is that he will probably be there for all three classes so we won’t have to get a babysitter. Even though I had every intention of dropping him of at Lisa’s house:) I am starting to get hopeful again. I have been browsing the waiting children search page and have found a sibling set of 2 girls that I would like to meet. They are 5 and 6 years old. At first I was worried about changing the birth order, but then Brad and Angelina did it….I’M KIDDING. Seriously, I was concerned about it and still am, but I am also open to the possibility of getting a girl that is older, but no older probably than 7. I don’t think I would ever get a boy that is older, but knows…..Anyway, that is where we are at.


Lisa said...

Your ex is keeping William for class? L will be disappointed. That will work out good though, because I was gonna have to let one of the wedding guests watch all 3 of them during the wedding. If you still need us to keep him, we will be glad to, just let me know.

Don't worry about the wedding. If you need us to keep him that day, we will. Your class is way too important. I have lots of relatives that I will already be asking to watch the babies so one more won't hurt. Who knows...we could have another kid by then anyway, lol! Everybody watches everybody's kids anyway.

I'm so glad you are finally in class. Too bad your ex couldn't change the visit days.

Stick firm to what age range/sex/health conditions you are open to. You will get kids in the age range you want.

Lisa said...

Stop your life for OCS now, but once you get certified, you call the shots.

JUST A MOM said...

take the youngest you can get!!!!!!