Sunday, July 01, 2007

Nature vs. Nurture

The nature versus nurture debates concern the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities. Nature versus personal experiences


I’m Athletic
I can sing
I am even keeled
I am compassionate
I am a teacher
I am maternal
I have brown hair and eyes and olive skin
I am short, muscular, thin
I have a fun and serious personality
I am slightly OCD
I have had cancer
I have book smarts
I am creative
I am an extrovert
I am driven
I have an amazing memory
I have a relaxed temperament (most of the time)
I have great leadership skills
I am Italian and Polish
I am an old soul


I am an individual
I am loyal
I am loud
I talk too much
I eat too much
I am confident
I am a learner
I treat others treat others the way I want to be treated
I am catholic
I am accepting
I say what I mean, and I mean what I say
I was raised Italian and Polish
I have Street smarts
I am an entrepreneur
I am good with money
I make good decisions
I am a daughter, step daughter, granddaughter, and sister
I mimic my mother’s mannerisms, voice, and handwriting

I do believe that each quality has been shaped by both nature and nurture; and as you can see some characteristics overlap. I say this because I think that nature gave them to me to begin with, but nurture made sure that they continued on. Also, there are other qualities I am sure I am overlooking but I thought this was a good start.
I would love to hear what you guys have observed in your adoptive children, or in yourselves, or just your comments!


JUST A MOM said...

Wow,,,, for my girls I see a few things of bio mom in my middle one actions or being,, my other two I do not see much. I will work on this for you.....

JUST A MOM said...

ok robin it is about time you posted!!!!!!!!!