Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tag! I'm it!

I have been tagged by Baby Blues! This is the first time ever and I am almost at a loss on what to write, but here we go…..

I am a mother of a wonderful little boy that I couldn’t live without.

I am a wife to a man that I want to live for.

I am the most loyal, honest friend you will ever have.

I am a runner who gets to share her passion with a group of children

I am a teacher who wants to make learning fun and relative

I am a singer of karaoke on Saturday nights

I am a Leo through and through

I am feisty and I can bring out the best and worst in people.

I am a role model to many

I am aware that my choices directly affect others

I am excited to adopt from the foster care system

I am humbled everyday by every foster parent and their journey

I am tagging…..




Baby Blues said...

Ooooh I love Karaoke! Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.

Lisa said...

Karaoke?? I didn't know that. There was this cool daquiri shop in BR that had karaoke on the weekends(my dad and I would go when I was single). I won't sing(and you'll be thankful for that) but I'll watch! The place closed down, but we can find another. We'll leave the kids with Nanna!

Amanda said...

I love karaoke too!!! And I've never been tagged before.

You did mean, me, Amanda, right? Not like you would answer now. LOL.

candy said...

i just found your blog link from another blog and i am so glad i did. congrats on the foster to adopt program! i wish you the best of luck.

(i also had the FSH old egg nervous breakdown test a couple of years ago and i'm now 29.)

i don't think my log-in links to my blog, so if you want to visit i'm at